#MT5 - 1/2" Sq SH - Mini System Cut-Off & Grooving Kit
Item #: FG4041340
Manufacturer: Nikcole
Mfg #: MT5
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Nikcole •Shank Size: 1/2 Square
•Mini-system grooving and cut-off kit •Set icludes:1- toolholder (1/2 sq. shank, 4-1/2 long), 5 - carbide inserts, grade C6-PV (TiN Coated) in widths .035 , .043 , .051 , .063 , .073 . 1 - torx screw & torx key, 1 - fitted case •Unique method of creating narrow grooves and cut-off economically in a wide range of materials •Dual cutting edged indexable inserts •Insert pocket design ensures repeatable cutting edge location
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .4000 •Dimensions - Height: .500 Length: 6.70 Width: 4.20
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